Erin is still the light of my life and every day I feel like I love her even more. She is as busy as ever cleaning house. She brings laughter and harmony into our home more than any other woman is capable of. Just recently I've realized how lucky I am to have a woman like her in my life. And to all those men out there reading this I hope and pray that you have these same feelings about your girl cause mine is off the market!!! love to all! (Erin got a hold of the computer and wrote that last paragraph; of course I do feel that way but she is just so much better at expressing it than I am). Anyway, here are some pics.
Most importantly we won another basketball championship on my last semester here!
Everybody came up for my graduation.
Can't seem to convince him that toes really aren't that great.
Conner came and stayed with us for about a week before Christmas and we all made a couple of Gingerbread houses.
We ended up going to Boise for Christmas but we did our own little Christmas on the 23rd so we didn't have to haul all our presents there and back.
I know this is just gross but we were trying to get him to give kisses and all he cared about was getting a hold of my nose and gumming it to death.
And here's a few more just because he's the man.
And finally a special thank you to Uncle Scott and Aunt Sharlene for this exer-saucer toy they gave us for Beckam. He just started using it and loves the thing.