It has taken forever but we're finally putting together an update. We moved into our new house in Kaysville about 2 months ago. We've been crazy busy with projects on the house and the new job. Beck is growing up and Erin was called to the Young Women's Presidency and is loving it. Pictures start chronologically from the bottom of the post.
At the aquarium in Cincinatti.
Beck couldn't figure out the guy swimming in the shark tank.
I don't remember which museum this is but it was sure fun.
At the Natural History Museum
Beck riding on my shoulders and very tired.
We had been in our house for exactly 5 days before we went to Washington DC for a week. Here we are at the Lincoln Memorial.
When we finally got into our house Beck LOVED unpacking his stuffed animals.
Here's Beck with all his Easter presents.
Easter party with the fam
We stayed for about 2 and a half months at Erin's sister's house til we figured out where we were going to live. Here is Beck and his cousin, Jens just hanging out.
Saying Goodbye...