Wednesday, August 24, 2011

In an effort to make up for lost time I decided to throw together another post real quick. This one will just be our family pictures we got while we were all in Cincinatti with Landon and Kara but as today is Beckam's birthday I'll be adding a few more birthday pics in a few days.

We'll start things off with pictures of the cute ones in the family.

Such a ladies man. Bexley is clearly the aggressor!

Freaking Stud!

Now lets see where he got all those cute genes.

Here's the whole fam


  1. Cute pics! Happy Birthday Beck...we miss you!!! Love you guys!

  2. oh, i'm so happy that you guys are blogging again. we have missed you! beckam is too cute. and i am super jealous of how long erin's hair is! you guys look so good.
